Together with a mischievous Seraph

Hours trickled by until the sun went down and the silvery light of the full moon illuminated the still bustling city.

Walking through the streets, Cristian kept his ears open for any crucial news concerning the unstable state of the royal family.

Unlike other kingdoms, Sumeria is a powerful kingdom that has a link to Odin, who was considered deceased after his mysterious disappearance centuries ago.

As the god of lightning and thunder, he was at his peak, even among Elder gods and his last descendants were the ruling family of Sumeria.

Although their bloodline was so thin that none of them had either thunder or lightning powers, it still gave them a superior physique and control over the earth element that thrived in Sumeria.

Suddenly, he paused and turned toward a vendor advertising his fruits. "Give me those apples."

Cristian said, pointing at the red and green apples in a small basket.