The priestess's Titan! Sun god bloodline

"As stunning as she is deadly. This suits her well, and I doubt a woman of her caliber can be controlled. It's fortunate I spotted them first; otherwise, other guilds would have vied for their attention," he remarked, watching Lia unleash a flurry of strikes at a Tier 5 demon, his eyes reflecting curiosity and growing interest.

Suddenly, he sensed something amiss and turned his attention. Approaching their location from a distance was an armored warrior bearing a mighty axe on his back.

He carried an unconscious woman, a bear, a red-haired woman with brown wings, and a priestess walking behind him.

As they approached, the crowd shifted, some even hovering a few inches off the ground. Initially thinking they were making way for Cristian, the guild leader soon realized an unseen force was clearing their path.

Zelda noticed him and shot an arrow, displaying their sigil in the air, gaining every team member's attention.