Chapter 141:- The Meeting [I]

Ironhall City was very different from the other cities that William and Aimee had visited. One thing that William immediately noticed was that there were blacksmith shops every 50 to 100 meters distance.

Clang!!! Clang!!!

As they strolled through the streets of Ironhall City, the echo of metal striking metal filled the air, creating a rhythm that seemed to pulse through the cobblestone pathways and resonate with the heartbeat of the bustling city.

The constant noise of metal striking was annoying to those who just come to this City for the first time. Little Aimee was covering her ears with her palms. But the residents of this city looked like they had gotten used to it. 

Another thing about this city that was different from other cities was its beautiful and breathtaking architecture. Each building and each house seems to have a charm of its own. Each building was captivating.