39. Mission Completed.

Kevin returned to his car and tried to start, but he couldn't do it just yet because the parasite had finally returned.

[So, the maid is your next target?]


[Damn, I didn't see that one coming,]

'Neither did I,'

[So, she wore a pink wig during the video?]

'Yep. That's why I couldn't recognize her,'


[We're going back home right?]


[Alright. I guess it makes things a lot easier for us since we already know that she's the next target.]

'I guess you're right,' Kevin gave a lacklustre response.

In fact, all of his replies had been as dull as that.

The parasite noticed Kevin's dreary attitude since she returned this morning and she couldn't stop herself from asking.

[Would you like to give up on your vengeance?]

'Uh? Why would you ask that?'

[Well, you've been moody since I got here, so it's the only reason for your behaviour that I could think of.]

'Oh, I see,' Kevin said in understanding, but his hands merely gripped the steering wheel tighter.