41.Gaining Information.

"I can't wait to acquire all these new skills and equipment," Kevin replied, anticipation glowing in his eyes.

The parasite laughed excitedly. [I'm glad to be of help.]

"Umu. Kevin Lannister approves of the system's awesomeness."

The parasite chuckled at Kevin's words.

Kevin slowly stood up, dusting the dirt off his black jeans, before smiling with the image of Dahlia in his mind.

"Let's go tame a maid."



Kevin left her room while thinking of possible places she could be in.

"Hmm, if she's not in her room, then she's most likely cleaning Drake or Vanessa's room."

[But what about yours?]

[Isn't it also possible that she is cleaning yours?]

"Nah, mine is always neat. I take cleanliness very seriously, you know?"

[So, which room should we try first.]

Since Dahlia was into B.D.S.M, then it meant her master was none other than Drake. It was probably why she found it difficult to let go of him.