44. Dahlia's Plan. R18.

Kevin smiled in admiration at her mental fortitude. The more he tried to break her, the more she refused to give in and continued to impress him.

Now, Kevin wanted her even more than before.

Dahlia was really unlike any other women he had met before now.

She was the first woman to inhale a large volume of erotic gas and still manage to deny him what he wanted.

Her love meter barely increased as well, with it rising to a mere 1%.

He acknowledged and embraced the fact that he had a long way to go before breaking Dahlia.

Meanwhile, frustrated by the fact that Kevin, a twenty-year-old boy, was looking down on her, Dahlia became even more furious than ever before.

She raised her hand, aiming it towards his face again, but Kevin caught it before pulling her in for another kiss.

Her eyes widened once again as she felt her body becoming sensitive. Kevin carefully explored every inch of her mouth before pulling back with a smile on his face.