56. Shopping With Victoria.

Victoria looked around the mall as she thought to herself that she didn't belong in such a place. The place smelled expensive, she couldn't believe what she was doing in an expensive mall.

She watched as Kevin led her to one of the boutiques in the mall.

He then found a sales clerk and said, "Hello, we would like to do some shopping. Give this lady over here everything she wants and don't miss a thing."

Victoria's eyes bulged and she felt her heart beating heavily. Of all the malls in Ruby City, this mall was the most expensive and Kevin wanted her to buy whatever she wanted?

The clerk's eyes sparkled as she thought to herself. 'Super rich customers?'

'I'm gonna do my best!!'

'Smile, Linda, smile like your life depends on it!!' She chanted inwardly.

She smiled and escorted Dahlia away.

"Follow me, Miss, we wouldn't want to keep your boyfriend waiting."

Victoria's ears turned red just hearing the clerk refer to her as Kevin's girlfriend.