54. Bite It Harder Daddy.

Dahlia's back arched, her eyes rolled backwards and spittle dripped from the corner of her lips as she felt Kevin's rod widening her folds and poking the entrance of her womb.

The feeling was amazing!!

Once again, Kevin raised her butt before slamming it down in rhythm to his deep thrusts.

Pah! Pah! Pah!

Her bubble butt jiggled on impact as her pussy walls tightened around his rod.

Her beautiful breasts danced in front of Kevin and not wanting to abandon them, he sucked one of her tits, biting the sensitive nipples while thrusting with such a pace that it could only be described as out of this world.

"Ahh!!" Dahlia moaned excitedly with a sincere smile on her face and hearts glowing in her eyes as she felt his teeth tighten around her perky nipples and her body embark on a new kind of pleasure.

"Yes!! Right there!! Bite it harder Daddy!!" She screamed subconsciously.

Dahlia instantly covered her mouth with both of her hands when she realised what she said.