67. Mission Completed 2.

Right after he ate breakfast and rested a little, Kevin walked out of the house and hopped into his car. He simply sat there holding the steering wheel without starting the car.

His mind was currently filled with a lot of things right now.

[What's wrong?] The system asked.

'Just wondering how things should be handled from here on out. I never expected Drake to be an Awakened.'

[If you level up really fast before returning from Amber City, you should be able to handle even the weakest Cannibal out there.]

'But it's still not enough to take down an Awakened.' He thought to himself.

'How strong am I right now?' He asked the system.

[You will barely be able to stand against the strongest human in the world.] It responded.

Kevin chuckled to himself. 'In other words, it means I'm still very weak.'

[I'm afraid so.]

Kevin tightened his grip on the steering wheel in disappointment.

[That reminds me, your rewards are ready, would you like to take a look at them?]
