65. Shocking News.

Meanwhile, within Kevin's room, he was currently seated on his bed with his back against the wall and his hands around Dahlia while she rested her back against him soaking in the warmth from his embrace.

"You dyed your hair?" Kevin asked, placing his chin on her shoulder.

"Yes, I wanted it to be like yours. Do you not like it?" She asked worriedly, pulling a few strands forward to look at it again.

"I like it," Kevin replied and Dahlia felt his arm tighten around her while a smile bloomed on her face in pleasure at his words.

Although he noticed the change in her hair colour when he woke up, he had been distracted by Drake's sudden entry into his room.

But now that things had calmed down a bit, he could now focus on the minor details that he had overlooked.

Also, he liked her new hair colour which was dyed brown better than the previous black colour. This new hue made her hair look lush and complimented her beautiful black eyes.