81. Amy's Wish.

"Please, wait right here. I'll get you a towel," The maid said before hastily going down the stairs.

Sasha grabbed his drenched coat and shirt before saying.

"I'll ask the maid if we can get a new pair of clothes for you. Please stay right here. I'll be right back," She urged.

Kevin nodded in response as Sasha quickly followed the maid, leaving Kevin standing all alone in front of Amy's room.

His body was drenched from top to bottom while water dripped from his hair, down his body and to the very soles of his feet.

He was still wearing his soaked trousers with a white singlet.

Unlike the coat and shirt which were pretty much drenched, Kevin's singlet was a bit more dry than his trouser.

Noticing the silence in the hallway, he glanced around and observed that there was no one else there aside from him.

So he seized his current opportunity with both hands.