86. Leaving The Mansion.

With a smile on his face, Kevin replied. "Deal."

He deactivated his (Cubic Fabricated Reality) skill, lowering the cube as Amy dressed up before walking away, her hips swaying with each step she took before shutting her bedroom door behind her.

The sound of the door closing startled Sasha awake as she raised her head from the bed, rubbing the lingering sleep from her eyes before taking a good look at where she was.

Her eyes fell upon Kevin who was seated beside her on the bed while smiling. Her eyes slowly focused on his face after a few seconds.

Sasha glanced around once again and couldn't help but notice that someone wasn't in the room. "Where's Amy?"

"Is the class over already?" She added.

Kevin nodded and replied. "Yes, I think it's high time we leave as well."