107. Rise Of The Boogeyman 3.

But unbeknownst to Kevin, apart from spreading the word about the mistletoe, the men were also going to spread his new name, which was collectively decided by them, throughout the underground world.

And the underground world would be notified of the existence of a young man called, The Boogeyman.


Hours later, Kevin arrived at Sasha's place and immediately texted her after parking his car.

He removed his face mask which was a plain black mask and his crimson hair and eyes returned to its original brown and sapphire-blue color respectively.

His goatee beard vanished to leave behind his smooth chin. He stored his face mask in his inventory before striding towards her door.

He recalled what he told Sasha this afternoon. If the door was unlocked, then it meant she was awake when he messaged her.

But if the door turned out to be locked, it meant that she didn't see his text and was probably asleep.