113. The Festival Is Tonight 2.

"Oh, f.u.c.k!! Where the h.e.l.l is she?!!" The driver yelled, directing his question at his colleague who was sitting right beside him, in the passenger seat.

Just like the driver, the other guy was a guard who was asked to bring Amy to Brian Stark's nightclub.

However, the other guy had been too busy playing video games on his phone, so he didn't hear the door opening.

He lazily asked. "Huh? What did you say?"

"Stop playing that game, you dimwit. The boss' daughter is gone!!" He bawled right before he stopped the car at the side of the road.

"What?!" The other guard turned around to look at the back seat and realized that the driver wasn't lying.

"Oh! F.u.c.k!!" He stepped out of the car to investigate and realized that there was really no one sitting in the back seat.

He raised his head to ask the driver who was now stepping out of the car. "Where the f u.c.k did she go?!"

"How the f u.c.k should I know?!"