126. Taking Action 3.

"Hello, Boss! It's me, Wolfgang!! There's something important I need to tell you."

Kevin's eyes flew wide, he couldn't believe what he was hearing.

"What did you say?" He asked, trying to confirm if he heard what Wolfgang said clearly.

Wolfgang repeated himself but while he was doing this, Kevin turned towards Victoria who was sitting on a chair and wondering who was on the phone with him.

Kevin motioned to her that he would be right back.

Victoria nodded her head in understanding and Kevin stepped out of the room.

After he stepped out, Wolfgang repeated himself, but he noticed that there wasn't any response from Kevin. So he called out questioningly.


"I'm listening. Go on," Kevin urged him, wanting to hear what else Wolfgang had to say.

"Okay, boss. There's been a rumor underground that a bounty has been placed on your name, and every big shot in the underground world is searching for you."