128. Is This A Dream? 2.

"If you simply say the word, I could go a lot rougher than this, you know?"

"Look, your uncle is now awake and he can't believe what he is seeing. Why don't we show him how happy we are together?"

"All you have to do is ask."

Kevin maintained his pace and kept poking the entrance to her womb, sending waves of pleasure which seemed to be magnified with every thrust of his hips.

Amy couldn't pretend anymore. She wanted to feel a lot better than she did right now, so she pleaded for what she truly wanted.

"Mmm! Please be rougher! Hit me with everything you've got...ahh!"

And Kevin didn't disappoint, his hip movement doubled in pace, eliciting a loud piercing moan from her while spittle drizzled down either side of her lips.

The edges of her lips curved into a smile when she noticed Brian Stark staring at her before her eyes slowly rolled backwards while her back arched beautifully in front of Brian Stark.