133. Meeting With Brian Stark.

It was quite clear that Genus was highly reliant on the drug, unlike the other fighters. He also seemed more like a mindless cannibal, unlike the other men Kevin fought before him.

'So, this is what the drug does to their bodies,' Kevin thought to himself taking a mental note.

The drug made Genus feel numb to pain as well. Kevin noticed this after he punched Genus's stomach.

Genus lunged towards Kevin again, but his movements were slow and he seemed unable to control his strength and huge body.

This made it easy for Kevin to evade all of Genus's attacks before he finally became bored of it.

He curled his fist in frustration and aimed it straight at Genus's throat, causing the man to wrap his hands around his neck, while desperately trying to breathe.

While Genus was kneeling on the ground with his hands wrapped around his neck, Kevin stood behind Genus before glancing towards a particular set of seats above the cage.