147. Resting.

"Oh, I see, that means they'll be pretty hungry when they arrive. I'll prepare something delicious for all of us to eat."

"Thanks, that would be really wonderful, Dah–" While Kevin was thanking Dahlia, he suddenly heard a knock on the door.

"Could it be them?"

"I think so," Kevin replied and Dahlia went to the door to check if they were really the one.

When Dahlia opened the door, her eyes fell upon Victoria who smiled at her.

"Hello Dahlia, I hope we are not late."

"Vicky!!" Dahlia hugged Vicky right after she confirmed that she was the one. Ever since Kevin went to Emerald City to join Victoria, Dahlia had been in constant contact with Victoria and the two had become really close.

While the two ladies hugged each other, Amy peeked out from the side to see if there was anyone behind the two and her eyes fell on Kevin.
