151. Demonic Pet.

"I think I'm getting the hang of it now," Kevin said as he tried to keep his mind focused on levitating in the sky.

"It seems flying has to do a lot with being focused."

"If I suddenly lose my concentration while flying, I might end up crashing to the ground, and I don't want that."

"Not that it would hurt if I fall with my current strength, but it would be pretty annoying to fall constantly just because I keep getting distracted."

"Although, if that were to happen, I'm pretty sure it's the ground that would have a big crack if I suddenly fall from such a great height"

Kevin was currently floating above his house and he could see all the houses in his neighborhood.

He had been flying around for more than an hour now, so he had finally got the hang of it and was simply taking a final look at the houses below him.

He turned around and faced the direction of Winterfell Park where he and Dahlia first had s.e.x.