161. Unexpected Notification.

"You will continue to live the way they want you to."

"But while you do this, I want you to gather any information you can about the two of them."

"And if you…." Kevin still had a few things to say but noticed Axel timidly raising his hand, asking for permission to speak.

So, he allowed him, "What is it?"

"U-um, Mr Ned Baratheon has a wife and child, but the child doesn't belong to either of them, is this information good enough?" Axel slowly raised his head up to see Kevin's expression.

Kevin was now sitting in a lotus position with his left elbow resting on his left thigh while his cheek rested on his curled fist.

Axel was expecting a look of approval and acknowledgement from Kevin but was instead dumbfounded to see a look of disdain and disappointment from him as though he had expected better information.

But that was all Axel knew about Ned Baratheon.

"Is that all?"

"Y-yes," Axel hung his head in disappointment.