159. Kevin Vs The Impostor.

'Wait a minute, don't tell me he flew into the room?!' The impostor thought to himself incredulously.

'But that's absurd! No one should be able to fly unless he's able to use magic, and if that were the case, it would mean that he was also an awakened.'

The impostor thought to himself, but his mind was brought back to reality by Kevin's sudden question.

"Where is he?"


"The one you're impersonating."

He was taken aback by Kevin's words. Why would he say such a thing? Couldn't Kevin see that he was his father?

"W-what do you mean? He asked, stuttering. "It's me, son, your father…" The impostor tried to convince Kevin as he walked a little closer to him, but the moment he did this, he felt Kevin's immense hatred wash over him right after he activated Berserker's Rage.

But the impostor was completely puzzled and didn't understand why Kevin held such an intense hatred towards him.

'What? Why?'