164. Planning.

"I see. So, that's what happened," Victoria sighed sadly after hearing about what truly happened to Max.

Everyone now understood the reason why Kevin was furious yesterday and why he destroyed so many things while in a rage.

The girls had known that he was angry at someone, but they didn't know who it was or why he had been angry at the person. But after hearing his explanation, the girls now understood the reason behind his actions.

When Kevin had expressed his anger and yelled about how he couldn't wait to strangle Axel to death, Victoria and everyone else had been as furious as Kevin.

If they could fly to the man who had brazenly hurt their lover's father, they would have done so without thinking twice.

And they would tear every limb in his body before cutting it into several pieces.

Of course, now that they knew that Ned Baratheon was the man who murdered their future father-in-law, their hatred towards him rose by leaps and bounds.