176. Wet Torture.

How Vanessa got into Kevin's room in the first place was still a mystery to her. Meanwhile, unbeknownst to her, it was Kevin's erotic gas that drew her closer to his room right after she finished drinking water in the kitchen.

"Just in case I still haven't made myself clear enough, all I'm trying to say is that I'm the one you should be more afraid of," Kevin said as he clicked his fingers, causing their surroundings to suddenly change into Kevin's room.

But the room looked a bit different from Kevin's usual room.

It was a lot wider than usual, with a large-sized bed at the center of the room.

Kevin clicked his fingers once again, and the both of them suddenly found themselves in an underground cave lit by torches on the walls, which helped to illuminate their surroundings.

Vanessa couldn't believe what she was seeing. She even found it hard to believe that the one standing before her was really Kevin.