202. Two Weeks Later.

Director Han couldn't believe what he was seeing. Did this man really make thirty thousand dollars in two days?

No one had ever been able to do such a thing before.

Who exactly was this guru??

It suddenly seemed like he was witnessing the rise of the god of trading.

'I must definitely do whatever it takes to make him stay in this company.'

'If he can create so much wave with just a beginner's account which has an interest rate of half that of a professional account, I wonder what he would do if he had a professional account,' Director Han thought to himself, but the words of his young staff member pulled him out of his thoughts.

"D-director!! He is requesting a professional account!! What should I do?!!"


"G-give it to him now!!!" Director Han replied in a hurry, slamming his hand on the desk.

He couldn't believe what he was hearing.