206. Style.

"Also, the president will be attending so it will be a great opportunity for you to meet some of the most influential people in the city."

Kevin accepted the invitation and began to read its contents.

"It's a shame the president couldn't personally come to invite you to the auction, but hopefully, you'll become acquainted with her once you attend the auction."

Kevin nodded in understanding and stood up from his seat before shaking hands with the vice president. It was the first time Kevin had ever had a meeting with someone from the upper part of the city but he was pleased to see that it went well.

Just as Kevin was about to leave the office, the vice president called out to him.

"Since you'll be attending the auction, you need to know that the president of Baratheon Limited will be there in person. This means that you'll need to come in style because the president respects men who have a sense of style."