211. Leaving The Party.

No man had dared to do such a thing before.

Not even her husband.

Now, Isabelle demanded answers.

Who exactly was this Kevin Lannister? She would like to know more about him.

Meanwhile, Kevin walked out of the hall only to find his car already parked outside for him.

He collected the key from the valet standing beside the car and took his seat before smiling at how things ended up the way they did.

His lips broadened even more when he acknowledged the fact that it might have been impossible for him to completely conquer Isabelle's heart if he hadn't become a demigod.

Kevin had released his erotic gas ever since they stepped out of the hall but even though he had been subtly releasing the gas into Isabelle's nostrils, she hadn't reacted to it at all.

Which was strange, to say the least.

It almost felt like she wasn't attracted to the opposite gender.