318. Factory 2.

Dr Orion leaned even further forward and grimaced.

'Will it finally work?'

'Will I be able to see some results?'

Peter's eyes shot open and he began to laugh hysterically until his eyes and nose began to leak blood. He placed his hands on his face and screamed in pain.

He continued to do this for the next few minutes until his body lolled helplessly on the ground.

"He isn't breathing. How disappointing," Mr Edward uttered out cheerlessly but before he could turn around to see Dr Orion's face, a boisterous laughter echoed behind him.

"I see you've finally lost your mind,"

"On the contrary Mr Edward, my mind is where it has always been. After witnessing what occurred just now, I'm proud to say that it was without a doubt, a success,"


Mr Edward knows how hard , Dr Orion has been working on improving mistletoe for months.