221. Morning Exercise.

In fact, it felt great to have Kevin really close to her, but just before their lips connected, Isabelle suddenly found herself alone in her room.

"Another dream?" She muttered to herself with mixed emotions of surprise, desire and depression.

"It's been happening for the past few days now,"

"What's wrong with me?"

"Why do I keep dreaming of being together with him,"

"It just doesn't make sense. Am I anticipating to see him again?" Isabelle wondered as she slowly left the bedroom and strolled towards her bathroom.

It's been almost a week since she ordered two of her trusted men to spy over Kevin.

Both men have been giving a daily report of what his daily routine has been and she's got a rough idea of the kind of person Kevin was.

But she couldn't understand why she suddenly began to see Kevin more in her dreams.

This dream wasn't the first she's had about the two of them together.