232. A Year Later.

"Why is that?" Kevin asked.

"Because if you do not return now. You'll be stuck here for eternity with the rest of us," Ares replied.

"He is right. As much as it hurts me to see you go, we have no choice but to do exactly just that. We'll see you again soon my son, and then we'll explain everything to you," Lucy added.

Kevin nodded in understanding and then turned to Ares. "What about the demons flooding into the city??"

"I'll close it up,"

Listening to Ares response, Lucy waved her hand and a portal opened up before her.

Seeing this, Kevin spoke to the system internally. 'Will I really get to see them again?'

[You will,]

Although it won't be easy going in and out of the underworld, it certainly won't be impossible.

This is why the system replied positively to Kevin.

Meanwhile, Cratos walked behind Kevin, placing his hand on Kevin's shoulder, drawing Kevin's attention towards him before speaking up.