The Flames Burn Bright (5): Pending Scenario

"Another Living survivor" A random Player screamed out.

"Didn't it just say that the General Tutorial had come to an end?" Another player said, he was one of the very few Players to not be in a state of panic and was rather calm.

"Well, we better hope it didn't." A Player said, he looked as lanky and lean as the rest of them, lacking major muscle mass, but he had a glow to his face, he looked like the tutorial really got his blood flowing… He looked happy.


"Ay bruh, you have a name?" a player blared out, right in front of Adam's face.

Adam was startled. The urge to push away the person in front of his face was incredible. It took almost everything in him to not push him away.


"Ayo Kaizer! He's a no-name bitch!" The player said to his peer.

"You should really be more patient, Ben." The happy looking player from before responded.

"Nahh, for real tho. You are a whole bald old man talking about no-names. Bro, you look like my left butt cheek after a cold bath. Hell, the Ogre's ass had more hair than you." Adam replied, with a frown on his face.

Kaizer put his palm over his mouth trying to conceal his laughter. Similarly, the other player behind him turned around and let out brief chuckles.

The bald man Player in front of Adam had his eyes widen. He seemed to be angry but Adam just stared at him holding the frown on his face diligently.

"You're a funny one, ey!?" The bald player responded as he placed his hand on Adam.

"Calm down now, Geezer Ben." Kaiser said as he shook his head in disappointment causing his rather long black hair to shake around like it was wet, in fact, Adam was just noticing it, but all of these Players around him were covered in blood.

Bald ben clenched his hand tightly on Adams shoulder, forcing him to the ground and almost dislocating his shoulder blade entirely.

"Kaiser I told you not to call me Ben!! And Akon, why the fuck are you laughing, a lego figure is probably taller than your bitch ass." Ben said to the player who turned his back to laugh.

"Hey! I'm not the guy who violated you bruh. Chill out with the short guy jokes only butt cheeks make them Ahahahahahahahaaaaa" The player blared out a cackle as blood trickled down his face.

Adam was being pushed into the floor by the bald bohemian as he tried to endure the pain from getting his shoulder almost crushed.

He knew he couldn't retaliate because right above the heads of all of the Players around were levels, he didn't think were possible this early.

『Sinner- Kaiser Lv. 12』

『Sinner- Vari Lv. 9』

『Sinner- Moon Lv. 8』

"Aye, Bald Ben, let go of him already. They are barely all out yet and you are already at it." Kaiser said to the bald one and he immediately let go of Adam.

"My goddamn name ain't Ben!! Its Vari in here!!" Vari yelled back at Kaiser as he walked away from Adam.

Adam stood to his feet and held unto his slightly sprained shoulder.

"Sorry about the Saitama wannabe's outburst, no hard feelings alright?" Moon walked towards Adam, he was a rather short, dark skinned and dark-haired male, he had really young-looking face despite his friends Vari and Kaiser seeming significantly older.

He said as he went behind Adam and pulled his shoulder and wiggled it around a little.

"You are almost as funny as me." He said as he walked and halted beside him.

"Anyway, what's your name, what is your level and who are you affiliated with?" Moon asked, his dark eyes almost seemed like they turned red and could tear into Adams soul. Piercing through his shoulder length curly black hair that covered part of his face.

"Whaa-" Adam exclaimed in confusion.

"You didn't hear me? I'm worse than the bald eagle just so you know. Now tell me your name, level and who you are affiliated with." Moon repeated.

Adam looked about and could see name and level status panels popping up all around them, other players were popping up.

'can't they not notice them?' Adam thought to himself.

'If the system shows us names and levels, why do they need me to say it. Is there the possibility of someone having a deception skill, This early into the game. I doubt that.'

"Bitch answer me!! Can't you speak, you fucking idiot."

"My name is Adam Miller, I'm Level 1, I've never played this game before so I don't know what it means to be affiliated." Adam replied immediately, he wanted to try to lie to test a theory really quick, but he was too mentally unprepared for what could possibly happen.

"Ahh, my bad. Red Players from other guilds remain hostile to their rivals even after a reset like this. Needed to make sure. I really don't recognize you from anywhere. And I doubt you would lie." Moon said as he fell over to the floor and let out a big sigh.

"At least the other players know to keep their distance from us. He wouldn't have come this far just to lie I guess." Kaizer said and sat down on the rough floor.

"We got assigned to Area G- The Land of the Fog. Its funny how many times we've been forced here."

Adam looked at the Three players spoke to each other about the area and about other guilds, they all seemed to be professionals.

'They might really not be able to see what I see. This is such a benefitting ability. I don't remember any Walkthrough talking about something like this until people start getting high leveled Observation and Sight skills.'

Adam looked left and right, they were in a damp, wet and humid land, the ground was muddy in some places and gravelly in others, like where they were standing.

There was a mountain range down north of where Adam was. He could see the Players all spawning in on top of there, as if they were scared to spawn in any closer to these three.

"Wait, you got just seven Ogres!? I got 13! That has to be unfair!" Kaizer said to Moon with a large smile on his face. Adam was ignoring most of what they were saying but he picked up on that immediately.

"Well, I just had 9. Strong motherfuckers all at once. Shit was hard nor gonna lie."

"Nine!?" Adam exclaimed.

"You got something higher? And you are a Level one bitch. Damn, the games gone soft, might have to move back to the other mmo, haha." Moon ridiculed.

"I got… Just one." Adam said with a straight face. All three of them slowly turned to face Adam, completely ceasing their talks.

"Like One? As in Just one?" Kaizer said.

"One Ogre? Are you serious!?" Moon asked, rubbing his chin.

"One single beast at the tutorial has to be a glitch of some sort." The bald one said as he clutched his dark brown level-0 sack robe.

"Anyway, did y'all notice yet?" Kaizer said as he gestured his fingers to bring out the Green system window and interacted with it. His face still held the biggest most natural looking smile Adam had ever seen, it looked so good that it was almost uncanny and disturbing.

"What?" The bald one asked as he Opened his Status window and Moon did the same.

"There's no Restore basic purchases button anymore!!" Moon yelled out as he violently scrolled through the Windows contents with a frown on his face.

"Deadass?" The bald one asked as he scrolled around vigorously as well.

"Yeah that is what I mean, hehe." Kaiser said.

Adam looked at the peculiar three and realized he had gotten distracted by seeing other humans, they seemed so wholesome and he just forgot about what was around him.

[A/N: He called them wholesome. Bro probably never really had friend lol.]

A quick flash of light from a burst of fire from the lake near the horizon really put things back into perspective for Adam.

"I'm really in this game, damn, its worse than I thought-" Adam was monologuing to himself before another thing that the three said under their breath caught his attention.

"The Log out button isn't here too, lol. This is really real. No wonder this body feels so great." Moon said but his friends just brushed it off without a second thought.

"Damn, the shop isn't naturally available this early in, but there isn't even an invalid button for it. We might actually have to find the basic necessities ourselves." Kaiser said.

"We better get to it then; the Next few tutorial scenarios are brutal as hell." The bald one said.

"The Lands and Player Areas are very brutal areas to stay at this point in time, we'd be better off sleeping in a Ghouls Nest than sitting here." Moon said as he stood up from the floor, ripped off the Level-0 Basic sack robe and went full commando- Buck naked, his member dangling in the subtle wind.

"That will forever remain nasty to me." The bald one; Vari said in response.

"Hey, I'm past level 5, that is more of dead weight than anything useful." Moon responded as he yawned, put his hands clasped behind his head and walked off with the rest of his friends.

"Hey I'm keeping mine on tho.

"No Log out button!?" Adam tried to understand as he felt his legs start to feel weak once again.

[A/N: Bro's response to everything scary is being weak in the knees. wtf-]

"Oh yeah!! Blue Jester? Just so we don't start off on the wrong foot. The next scenario has us preparing for a battle that starts in a few minutes. The System lies and says the opponents are coming from the East, they are really coming from the west." Vari said to Adam.

Adam turned to the direction Vari just mentioned and it was a large, thick and dark forest of long, dry trees and it had an ominous feel to it.

'This is all so confusing and overwhelming. What is this, what do they mean scenario? Can we really not leave? We are getting attacked from behind too!?' Adam thought to himself until ultimately deciding to do what any normally sane person would do in this situation.

Which was run away from the glaring eyes of the players popping up everywhere, move away from the area the 'Opponents of the next scenario' would spawn, and follow the crazy guys.

"Moon! Can I please stick with you lot?" Adam yelled as he ran towards the three of them, he could feel the wind blowing up the sack robe and caressing his tenders and it made him feel weird, he wondered how Moon was able to stay naked with quite weird wind.

"Aye, we are low on guild members anyway. We'd love fresh meat. I'll even offer to protect you from Vari the bald weirdo for a slight fee haha!!" Moon replied.

"You look like the weirdo here, you public menace, put some clothes on." Vari replied.

"AGHHHHHHHHHH!!!!" A player screamed loudly in the position that they had just left, Adam turned around to see a swarm of demonic rodent like animals flood out and cover the entire body of a Player, ripping out his limbs, his organs and eyes. Tearing his skin away with tiny, painful nibbles, running in and out of his body through the large holes they made and in seconds it was just parts of his surface skin that remained.

"Don't ever run into the woods down there unless you have Plague based items or are at least level 41 Haha!" Moon laughed as he made Adam look away from the death.