
By the time Zamir came out of the bathroom, calmed and freshened up, He didn't meet Noah in the bedroom but he saw the note he'd left him.

A vein popped on his forehead, he picked up his phone and dial Noah's number. The phone was picked on the third ring "where are you?" he asked

"on my way home before heading to work" Noah answered. he'd known Zamir was going to make a fuss the moment he dropped that note

"what do you mean work?, didn't your boss say you could ease back for the next two days?"

"uh...yeah, but you forgot I have two bosses..."

"then call him and explain that you can't be at work today... get back here now, we agreed I was going to take you to the hospital this morning" Zamir shouted into the phone

"Ookay, how about we go tonight?"

"you know what? suit yourself" Zamir answered angrily and ended the call.

He began to get dressed slowly and angrily and when he was done,he walked out into the kitchen where his breakfast was waiting according to the note Noah left.

The breakfast turned out to be eggs on toast with cup of coffee.

"hmmn" Zamir hummed and sat down to eat his breakfast which according to another sticky note with a smiley face that was left on the kitchen counter, was made with love.

Despite being so angry at the moment, Zamir couldn't help but smile and his anger dissipated a little. While eating, he couldn't help but wonder what was wrong with Noah, They'd both agreed after he had finished feeding him some sandwiches and some medication he had to bully him into swallowing last night that this morning, they were going to the hospital.

but what did he do, he made him a love filled breakfast and ran off. why does he still have to work two jobs anyway. Zamir sighed and packed his plate to the kitchen sink to wash them before leaving for work.


Noah sighed loudly as he knocked on customer's door later that afternoon. He should have listened to Zamir and followed him to the hospital that morning and now he was begining to feel slightly feverish and dizzy not to mention his head was pounding awfully.

He had to knock again before he got a response from inside the house. The door opened and a young guy about his age opened the door

"delivery..." he slurred out holding his head as the wave of dizziness hit him hard.

"are you okay... hey!!" the customer was quick to grab him before he fell to the ground. The guy looked at the unconscious delivery guy in his hands and blushed.

He quickly shook his head, clearing off the crazy thoughts he was begining to have. He was confused and didn't know what to do do after giving the delivery guy another shake, he decided to take him inside his apartment but he was a tall guy band he weighed a ton so he had to half carry and half drag him.

They finally made it to the couch where he laid him and fished out his phone from his pocket. He was about fiddling with it when a number called in, he wasted no time picking it up

"hello" he said quickly into the phone but what he got was silence

"who are you and what are you doing with Noah's phone?" Zamir asked, his head was begining to weave a million scenes and his blood pressure increasing in jealousy "answer me"

Okay that was it with this rude punk, whoever he was "well your NO_AH! passed out on my doorstep while delivering my order and I helped him in AND I was about to press his speed dial before YOUR CALL CAME IN!"

"oh i'm so sorry, I'll come pick him up now" Zamir answered getting up immediately "your address?"

The other man gave him his address and ended the call. He turned around to look at Noah, he was good looking alright. Totally his type too.


Zamir knocked on the the apartment door and was immediately let in by a dark haired guy. For the second time that day, Zamir felt a strong pang of jealousy. The guy who introduced himself as Roman even though Zamir hated to admit it was a dead gorgeous raven haired beauty.

Zamir took his eyes off Roman and ran to the couch where Noah layed under a blanket with a wet towel on his head.

"hey open your eyes and look at me, it's me Zamir" he called softly shaking Noah.

Upon hearing Zamir's voice, Noah opened his eyes slowly and sighed in pain "hey..." he said his voice hoarse.

"let's go to the hospital" Zamir began lifting him up to a sitting position and took of his jacket and helped Noah into it. He pushed away Roman's hands when he tried to help him get Noah to his feet

"we can manage" he hissed eyeing the raven beauty when he tried to help and snatched Noah's phone from him before he slowly helped Noah to his feet and slowly out of the apartment.


"let's go to your place" Noah mumbled when they were seated in the car and on their way. He was feeling so weak that if it was not the seatbelt holding him place, he would have slumped out of the chair.

"you're going to the hospital Noah and that's final" Zamir answered as calmly as he could manage. He just doesn't understand what was with Noah and hospitals.

Noah sighed "look I don't want my mom getting worried okay..."

"..." Zamir continued to set his lips stubbornly. They were going to that hospital and nothing was going to change it

" how about we go to your place and you get a doctor to come treat me, that way you'll have me all to yourself and I still get treated.." Noah said, his eyes closing. He was exhausted, all this talk was draining him but he didn't want his mom getting worried over him again.

Zamir threw a worried glanced at Noah briefly before he finally budged "fine"