
Zamir was thrown unceremoniously on the bed, making him groan. He could barely make out the silhouette of the man kneeling over him. In fact if that man hadn't Grabbed him by the hair earlier and fed him a little water muttering 'fuck you Zamir, fuck you', he would have thought him to be some stranger that took pity on him.

But now, knowing who it was that had saved him, he was glad and even though his body felt like a thousand fireflies at the moment and his vision was blurry, he tried to stretch out his hand to pull the man closer while uttering words that came out barely as a whisper "No_ah~" he groaned.

His hand was swatted away "that was the office you were going to huh?" Noah hissed at him "what do you think could have happened if I hadn't gotten there on time?"

Noah laughed bitterly "it's no use trying to vent on you now, is it?. Then he bent forward close to Zamir's ear and said "you're in so much fucking trouble once you're out of this shit, and guess what?, When this night is over, you'll never be able stay in a close space with another man".

With that he grabbed Zamir's pant and removed it in one fluid motion, Zamir who was on the receiving end of the rough treatment couldn't care less, He moan has he reached down to grab his aching penis and began pumping it fast.

Noah grunted angrily seeing the shameless display in front of him while he got rid of his own clothes almost tearing it off. He grabbed Zamir's legs and spread them wide apart, there was no need for lube, not that he knew where he could find one anyway but there was no need,the amount of precum oozing out of Zamir was enough.

He slid in one finger and seeing the reaction he got , he slid in two more,he wasn't interested loosing up any ignorant somebody,he was more interested in finding a gem, so he kept ramming his fingers in out while pressing around and then

"Uggh__" Zamir jerked wildly in his hands

That was all Noah needed before positioning his tip on Zamir's entrance "don't worry__" he said chuckling darkly "what's about to follow is enough to clear muddled brain". He didn't waste any moment longer and just rammed in straight into Zamir, making the other scream but he wasn't allowed that luxury also as a steely hand slammed on his mouth muffling his noise.

It wasn't long before Zamir began to beg , his face had become a mess with the tears and mucus mixing together. At first it had been endurable, especially with the way Noah kept ramming and hitting a particular spot inside him, he was fast and hard but not fast enough to miss the spot everytime he thrust into him even despite the changing positions,he always ensure to poke the place, it gave him intense pleasure that the pain became a blur, but now after being on the receiving end of a hardcore sex that had been going for hours, his muddled brain was now cleared and he realized that Noah wasn't interested in relieving or giving him pleasure, he was just being brutally punished.

"please.. ugh.. I'm so_rry" he begged and kept begging for a long time till the early hours of the morning.

Zamir didn't know how long he slept but by the time he woke,his body felt like a log. He decided to hit the showers for a warm bath but the moment his feet touched the ground__


His jellied legs gave out and he hit the ground unceremoniously. He heard an annoyed grunt from the bed and some shuffling before a hand came out from under the covers and felt around his body before it grabbed him by the waist and pulled him back on the bed, he was held in place by the strong arm "stop fussing" a baritone voice said behind him before a furry head buried it's nose in his neck.

Zamir sighed in relief when he felt a steady breath on his neck, but he hadn't let go of the breath when pain seared through him from the lower part of his body. He couldn't even cry out well because of worn out voice but more than that he was sure there was nothing he could give out at this point,not after he released more than six times over during the night, he was sure it was more than that because he lost count at some point and the monster plowing into blatantly refused to indulge him in any kind of conversation.

"Ugh... enouugh already__" tears gathered in his eyes as the huge rod kept ramming into his already loose ass.

Noah didn't let him go for another hour and when he finally shot his ropes inside him, he just rolled on his back and went back to sleep immediately. Zamir crawled out of the bed and managed to drag his used body into the bathroom to clean his leaking behind and get a warm shower.

He felt better by the time he came out of the shower. Upon reaching the room he saw the covers had been kicked to the floor and Noah, gloriously naked was snoring loudly on the bed, he eyed the awful object sleeping between his legs wearily then sighed and left the room.

Zamir laaastood by the floor-to-ceiling looking outside while discussing with his secretary for the rest of the morning. Some of his meetings had to be made virtual because now he couldn't go to work even if he wanted,not with the way his ass was throbbing painfully. He made himself a cup of coffee before he went into his study to start his meetings.

Zamir checked the time on the digital clock on his desk and saw it was half past four, luckily he had been able to clear out most of his meetings,the rest were rescheduled for another day. He was about to shut down his computer when the door to his office was suddenly kicked opened and a stark naked maniac stood panting at the entrance...