El latido del corazón de Dios (Gods Heartbeat)

It was the summer of 20xx, where light was raining down, heat was rising, and days seemed to go on forever. People were out and about, enjoying their lives as much as they possibly could. They did not want to waste even one second of their breath. That's when it happened. At approximately 1 p.m., the ground began to shake, starting as a mere tremble and evolving into destructive and violent waves as small objects fell onto the ground, cars flew through the air, and buildings shifted, eventually toppling down as scarlet blood scattered everywhere.

While the chaos was happening, some people, from young to old, felt a tug upon their beings that directed them in a certain direction as they felt the urge to walk. They walked and walked for miles without food or rest, yet they seemed absolutely fine, as if they were in a trance that guided them towards something. Soon more and more people will be walking, forming a large army of individuals who will not stop walking, some of whom, due to the earthquake, were put in situations where they got badly injured, but they kept walking without a complaint.

Eventually, the people arrived at a large mountain with a gap that served as an entrance. There were people who followed their family in an attempt to stop them from walking; however, once they saw the mountain, they wondered if it was real since something seemed ominous about the large structure. The group entered through the gap and through the darkness that filled the inside of the mountain. After what felt like hours, they arrived upon a large open space where there was a massive hole in the ceiling, allowing light to reveal a massive metallic orb floating at least 50 metres off the ground.

Suddenly, what sounded like a powerful heartbeat would start up as the ground beneath the people's feet cracked and exploded with lots of force, leaving bodies scattered about like ragdolls. The people's family members stared in horror and confusion at the orb, unsure of what to do.