Oscuridad (Darkness)

Basic information:

A place or more accurately a planet, but also a draft of existence before existence came into shape that exists on the edge of the universe. It spreads its roots through different means all connected by the phenomenon of no light such as In the darkness of a room, down a long alleyway at night, when a room has no light etc and this darkness acts as an entrance to the planet as well as an exit to other worlds/universes which allow the life upon the planet to spread their ways to everywhere and evreything.

Alternate names:

The empty, the home of collapsion, The far reach, Oblivion among millions, The great stop, The End, The nowhere, The void, The unknown planet, The great eclipse

Planet description:

The planet has a radius of 7918 which is 12,742 Kilometers which means this planet is double the size of earth.

It has oxygen though most of the denizens don't need oxygen. There is a blend of white and black colours which form the colour scheme of the planet.

The planet has black trees with white leaves which sometimes have black and white fruit in odd shapes hanging from the trees. The trees can either be incredibly small for example being able to balance one of your finger or incredibly tall as they could dwarf skyscrapers.

The grass is white, whilst the dirt is black. Any minerals or materials often are composed of both black and white.

There are structures around the planet such as small black and white shacks, larger black office building esqe structures and a variety of white caves, black and white jungles, large open spaces and black and white mountains


(Shadow) sombra (Seeker) buscador

A tall but lanky humanoid shadow with twisting limbs that likes darker areas due to it being able to camouflage in places that light has little effect over, however if It does make contact with light then it will immediately be reduced into the form of several black piaces of paper.

It can elongate its arms to grab its prey, become neigh invisible in darker areas and can possess small objects such as cups inaddition it possesses great strength in order to easily crush metal and has great durability where it takes numerous bullets to slay the creature.

(Crawling) arrastrándose (Eye) ojo

It has a diameter akin to a standard NBA basketball which js between 9.43 and 9.51 inches. It has a puddle like form that slithers and waves about as if screaming in agony. It usually keeps a good distance between itself and anything living seemingly afraid of what will happen to itself.

It will keeps it's distance but If it is ever forced into combat then it shall retaliate.

It is seen to be quick able to slide past and/or under anything efficiently and from there drag the target into itself as it acts like a black hole in the way that the target is never seen again.

(Corageous) valiente (Plague) plaga

A black, sticky and thin vine like creature that can quickly spread from surface to surface and extend itself several meters in any direction.

It attacks by attaching itself to anything living particularly humans and enters through their mouth and nose attaching itself to the brain and from there controls people.

(The) La (Razor) Maquinilla de afeitar

A black dome with a square base that hops to manicure about. It has large pitch black humanoid arms on either side of its body and has four fingers and a thumb that are shaped like small knives.

It prefers to leap at a target and cut them up with swift attacks and is surprisingly agile.

(Flicker) Parpadeo (Fly) Volar

A football sized four legged ball shaped creature with two silver fleshy like wings and a open mouth with many sharp looking teeth, however it actually has three rows of these teeth deeper within its mouth.

It can fly for a limited amount of time and uses its flight plus its speed from its small size to launch itself towards its target and literally try tk easy their face, however if it misses then it's revealed that it has a rubbery like body as it can bounce off surfaces and uses this to continously lunge at the target until it gets them