Chapter 2-conversation

Marilyn's POV

The oppressive summer heat caught me off guard as I discovered Lynn toiling away in the fields at high noon. Taking a glance around, I realized the vast expanse of cornfields stretched out like two basketball courts, with half of the cornstalks already toppled over.

Lynn, dressed in a short-sleeved shirt and long pants, was covered in sticky golden corn silk. His face was smudged with yellowish soil, and even his ears bore traces of dirt, resembling the local farmers I had seen along the way. However, the noticeable difference was his striking youthfulness compared to the middle-aged workers.

Radiating heat, his body seemed to be emitting steam, while glistening droplets of sweat rolled down his cheeks, tracing a path along his neck. His drenched clothes clung tightly to his waist and abdomen, highlighting a subtle display of muscular definition in the midday sunlight.

Lynn stood tall, his posture erect, surpassing the height of the cornstalks around him. I estimated his height to be nearly six and a half feet, making me tilt my head upward to meet his gaze, even in my high-heeled shoes.

Yet, he appeared slender—thin in frame. His sharp facial features were accentuated by his lean figure. His eyes, as dark as ebony, exuded an air of aloofness when not engaged, but transformed into a gentle and innocent gaze when he fixed his eyes upon you.

However, what struck me the most was his exceptional ability to grow...

The administrator, noticing Lynn's unwavering stare, grinned and took a step to the side, allowing us to directly face each other. With a teasing tone, he said, "Well, are you stunned? Do you recognize who this is?"

Lynn, seemingly startled by the remark, suddenly snapped out of his daze. He averted his gaze from mine, his eyelashes fluttering slightly, before nodding and softly affirming, "...I know."

"Know?" The administrator appeared puzzled. "How do you know? I don't recall telling you. Did someone else inform you?"

Without dwelling on the question, the administrator patted Lynn's shoulder and continued, "Since you know, stop what you're doing and pack your things."

The administrator's anxiety was understandable. I had insisted on completing everything in a single day, without any intention of staying overnight in the village.

Lynn, amidst the confusion, looked up at the administrator, his gaze serious, and asked, "Pack what, exactly?"


We entered the house, and a heavy and oppressive atmosphere filled the room, as if an intangible cloud of tension hung in the air.

Sitting on a long bench, the administrator rested his hands on his knees. He found himself at a loss for words, observing Lynn's demeanor. This young boy had always been reserved and had endured significant hardships, carrying the weight of his burdens. Even if the administrator wished to offer comfort at that moment, his words would have felt feeble and insufficient.

"That's the situation," the administrator finally broke the silence. I could sense his delight at my arrival and his desire to bring relief to Lynn. He patted his thighs, stood up, and said to Lynn, "Don't just stand there, confused. Go wash up and change your clothes. Accompany your sister."

In the face of adversity, a glimmer of hope had suddenly appeared—a situation that should have brought joy to anyone. However, Lynn displayed no reaction. He lowered his head slightly, his gaze fixed on the ground, silently expressing his refusal.

Lynn glanced up at me, seemingly surprised by my sudden attention. For a brief moment, his eyelids dropped, and he quickly averted his gaze. Then, unexpectedly, he gave a response that caught us off guard.

He said to me, "It's not your responsibility, and you don't have to burden yourself with me." His words sounded genuine, as he sincerely considered my well-being. Each word he spoke carried a heartfelt earnestness, "I appreciate you coming here, but..."

As Lynn continued speaking, the administrator grew increasingly concerned. He furrowed his brow, desperately trying to signal to Lynn. However, Lynn seemed oblivious to the signals, expressing his thoughts clearly. Each sentence he uttered revolved around a central point: taking care of him would not be beneficial for me in any way.

At eighteen years old, Lynn possessed a strong sense of pride and was reluctant to accept unearned favors from others, even if that person was legally his "sister."

Gradually, I listened to his words and nodded in understanding. Lynn believed that I comprehended his perspective, yet unbeknownst to him, I glanced at my wrist to check the time and calmly stated, "I understand. None of what you said is a problem for me. Go ahead and pack your things. I have a flight at six, and further delay might cause me to miss it."

Clearly, Lynn's words did not waver my determination. He stood frozen, and the administrator stood frozen as well. They hadn't expected such resolute resolve from the reserved girl who had remained silent throughout the journey.

However, it was understandable. How could an ordinary person readily agree to take care of a suddenly appearing impoverished younger brother?

Witnessing my unwavering stance, the administrator couldn't help but feel relieved. He had watched Lynn grow up, and now, Lynn finally had someone to rely on. Suddenly, an overwhelming sense of emotion, akin to "giving away a daughter," surged within him. Just as he was about to offer further persuasion, his phone in his pocket abruptly rang.

Within less than half a minute, the administrator hastily left the room, his eyebrows furrowed with a sense of urgency. Observing his demeanor, I didn't attempt to stop him. Instead, I offered a faint smile and spoke, "Thank you for taking care of us throughout the journey. If you have something urgent to attend to, please go ahead. I will have a conversation with Lynn."

The administrator, sensing my composed expression, felt somewhat relieved. He picked up his water glass, earnestly advised Lynn once more, and then hurriedly departed.

The administrator seemed like a bridge connecting Lynn and me. Without him to maintain the balance, the responsibility entirely fell into my hands.

Lynn, like any other boy his age, appeared flustered and unsure of how to position himself in this confined space with a beautiful woman only a few years older. Even though I was the stranger in this house, Lynn seemed particularly constrained.

Lynn opened his mouth, seemingly preparing to say something, but I interrupted him with a serious tone, calling out his name.

"Lynn," I looked at him intently, "I've spent four hours traveling from Red moon pack, and I've had ample time to reflect. Taking care of you is not a burden for me, but for you, it will broaden your horizons. You should seriously consider it."

Tilting my head slightly, with the tip of my high-heeled shoe tapping on the ground, I continued, "My mother and your father have been married for twelve years, but he hasn't fulfilled his responsibilities as a father figure to you while taking care of me. I've always carried a sense of guilt in my heart. If you don't lead a good life, I worry that I won't find peace in the remaining years of my life. Consider it a favor you're doing for me, an act of kindness, alright?"

Lynn, at last, raised his eyes to meet mine. Despite his towering height, as he looked down at me, his presence seemed to diminish. I returned his gaze with an open and sincere expression, much like how I looked at those few children on the road. In his bright eyes, I caught a glimpse of the figure of a slender young man.

Under the weight of that gaze, one couldn't help but be enveloped by an inexplicable sense of being treasured by its owner.

Lynn struggled to gauge the true extent of my intentions in wanting to care for him. He stared into my eyes for a while before finally lowering his gaze and softly responding, "Mm."

After Lynn's agreement, he stepped outside to retrieve the half-filled basket of corn he had left in the field. Placing the corn outside the door without bringing it inside, he then proceeded to take a quick shower. His showering speed was remarkably swift, lasting no more than five minutes from start to finish.