Chapter 4-transformation

Marilyn's POV

After the plane landed and I stepped out of the airport, a wave of relief washed over me. My car was parked in the nearby garage, and as we drove home, I noticed Lynn continuously glancing out of the window.

It had been the same on the plane. After finishing my airplane meal and briefly closing my eyes, I woke up to find Lynn turned towards the window, gazing at the sunset suspended in the sky.

The radiant colors of the sky, like shimmering golden silk, created a captivating sight when viewed from below. Lynn's ears had a slight rosy tint, possibly due to the lingering warmth of the summer sun. He seemed mesmerized by the view, unaware of my waking presence.

At the moment, it was just after nine in the evening. As the car navigated through the towering skyscrapers, neon lights adorned the streets, casting a dazzling and intoxicating glow. Lynn's eyes beheld the spectacle, his deep black irises resembling a vast and infinite night sky.

When the car entered a tunnel, the scenery suddenly turned mundane. The window repeatedly showcased patches of weathered white tunnel walls and the occasional yellowish lights embedded in them. Still, Lynn did not turn his head to look.

I realized that his gaze was fixed on a particular spot, uninterested in the vibrant scenery outside.

The car continued through the winding tunnel, and the interior lighting dimmed slightly. I stole a glance to my right and, without the distraction of the colorful lights, I could more clearly discern Lynn's expression.

It was perfectly natural for him to feel uneasy or resistant, being so far from home and thrust into an entirely unfamiliar environment. Yet, I had not detected any of these emotions from him, or rather, Lynn had skillfully concealed them from me.

If I had been more attentive, I would have noticed that Lynn's posture was far from relaxed, as his back didn't fully rest against the seat. The car window cast a reflection on his gaunt cheek, highlighting the sharp contours of his facial bones and his slightly drooping eyelashes.

As my eyes shifted and unexpectedly met his gaze through the window's reflection, he hastily turned his head back and fixed his gaze ahead. His fingers tightened their grip on his knee, but after a while, realizing I hadn't spoken, he released his grasp.

Unaware of his subtle movements, I dismissed the eye contact as a mere coincidence.

Inside the car, the air conditioning hummed, creating a narrow and confined space where any external actions or scents would be magnified in the other person's senses.

Suddenly, my nose twitched, and I tapped the steering wheel with my index finger before addressing him, "Lynn."

The young man turned his head, his eyes locked onto mine without a single blink. Upon hearing my question, he shifted uncomfortably, nodding slightly and lowering his gaze.


It was uncommon for an eighteen-year-old not to have awakened their wolf, but not unheard of. Just a few days ago, the news reported on a nineteen-year-old boy who had only just started shifting.

On average, regular werewolves would experience their first shift around the age of eighteen. When I was eighteen, I began shifting intermittently for about six months before completing the transformation. It was during that time that I discovered my status as an Omega.

Lynn's father, Fredy, being a Beta, suggested that Lynn would likely also become a Beta. Lost in contemplation, I considered taking Lynn to the hospital for a check-up but refrained from speaking further.

I owned several houses within the Red Moon Pack, and we currently resided in a spacious downtown apartment. As Lynn and I arrived home, it was already late, around ten o'clock. Swiftly discarding my high heels, I stood barefoot on the floor and retrieved a pair of one-size-fits-all disposable slippers for Lynn.

"We don't have men's slippers at the moment, so please wear these for now."

As Lynn changed into the slippers, I gestured for him to set down his bag and proceeded to give him a brief tour of the house. The residence was quite expansive, and I pointed towards a room with an open door.

"That's my bedroom." Taking a few steps forward, I pushed open the neighboring room's door.

"This room is already prepared with clean sheets and bedding. You can sleep here tonight. If you prefer the empty room we passed earlier, we can tidy it up tomorrow."

The room had been used by me unexpectedly on a couple of occasions in the past, prompting me to instruct the maid to keep it ready. Lynn had no objections, responding with an acquiescent "okay" to everything I said. He appeared easygoing, resembling a compliant robot, except for a slightly different response when I mentioned tidying up the room. "No need to trouble yourself," he replied.

Although I promised to take good care of Lynn, he understood that he couldn't be too demanding given his current situation. I noticed beads of sweat on his forehead and quickly turned on the air conditioning. Instead of politely dismissing the gesture, he turned to me and acknowledged the unequal nature of our relationship. I addressed the issue directly, saying, "Lynn, our relationship isn't completely equal. Until you get used to it, you need to feel comfortable 'bothering' me, okay?"

I kicked off my high heels and stood barefoot on the cool floor, realizing that I was significantly shorter than Lynn. He rarely refused my requests, and in moments like this, he always responded by avoiding eye contact and muttering a simple "okay."

I had almost anticipated his reaction.

After taking a shower in the bathroom, I emerged and immediately sensed that something was off. I caught a familiar scent, the same one I had noticed in the car before. It was a gentle yet fresh fragrance, reminiscent of sun-kissed, immature wheat.

During the car ride, the scent had lingered faintly, leading me to suspect it was just my imagination. However, at that moment, the subtle aroma grew incredibly intense, as if an invisible morning mist had enveloped the entire spacious living room.


The word flashed in my mind instantly. Gloria was my wolf, and upon detecting this scent, Gloria had unexpectedly manifested.

It wasn't my quick thinking; it was my body's instinct that had made the judgment ahead of my conscious mind.

The room was occupied by only Lynn and me, and if it wasn't me, then there was only one other possibility that lingered in my mind. With bated breath, I suppressed the instinctual restlessness coursing through my body and stepped into the living room. I lightly tapped on the half-open door of the adjacent room, calling out, "Lynn." There was no response from inside.

Suddenly, with a "click," the bathroom door behind me swung open. I turned around to see Lynn emerging from the bathroom, his movements stiff and awkward. At the same time, a potent scent wafted out, permeating the living room with an imposing presence. It was like being struck by the moist, warm sea breeze of a summer night, momentarily catching my breath.

Lynn's footsteps landed heavily and slowly as he made his way towards me. His breathing was rapid and labored. His short golden hair was drenched in sweat, and his exposed skin had an unusual pale flush. Deeply furrowed eyebrows hinted at the agony he was experiencing.

Seeing Lynn in this state confirmed my suspicion—he was in the midst of his transformation into a wolf.

Upon noticing me standing at the doorway of his room, Lynn's dense lashes trembled imperceptibly. It was as if damp black feathers were quivering, revealing a subtle sense of vulnerability. Although his face displayed minimal expression, his furrowed brow spoke volumes.

Just like in his home, Lynn maintained a safe distance, standing in the center of the living room, two steps away from me. I stood barefoot on the cool, light gray marble floor, clad in a knee-length, light lavender sundress with thin straps, habitually without a bra.

I wiped off my makeup and let my long hair partially dry, draping it softly in front and behind me. It presented a slightly altered image from what Lynn had seen before, showcasing a more radiant countenance resembling a blooming white water lily adorned with glistening dewdrops.

Lynn's gaze briefly rested on the fair skin of my bare feet, then quickly averted. He lifted his eyelids to meet my eyes, his lips trembling as he softly uttered, "Sister..."