Chapter 7-School

Marilyn's POV

Marilyn's POV

When I woke up the next day and leaned against the headboard to clear my mind, it was already 11 a.m. After sending a message, I stepped out of the bedroom and noticed Lynn was not in the living room. His bedroom door was wide open, devoid of any presence, but the kitchen hood was humming, wafting a tantalizing aroma of food.

On the tea table in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, a few textbooks were open, basking in the gentle golden morning light of summer, with rays of light gracefully cascading onto the table.

The shoes I carelessly kicked off last night were neatly arranged at the entrance, and the dirty clothes I casually tossed into the laundry basket had been washed and hung in the drying area with meticulous precision, almost as if a maid had attended to them. Lost in thought, I redirected myself and ventured into the kitchen, where I found Lynn adorning a maid's apron, standing before the stove, engrossed in cooking. His back was turned towards me, his posture upright and poised, akin to a slender young cypress tree. He had lowered his head slightly, his dark hair somewhat disheveled, and the pronounced ridge of his spine protruded from the nape of his neck, displaying a delicate yet resolute nature. Curiously, my fingertips tingled with an inexplicable sensation.

After a brief contemplation, I retrieved my phone and discreetly captured a photograph of Lynn, promptly sending it to the administrator as an assurance that Lynn was doing well. The image of his slender figure centered on the screen, and with a soft "click," Lynn turned his head, catching sight of me leaning against the kitchen entrance, holding my phone aloft, aimed towards him.

Lynn was aware of my photographic intent, but his reaction remained unremarkable. It appeared that he had already surpassed the uncomfortable stage of his lycanthropic transformation. He softly uttered, "Sis...," and raised the spatula in his hand, gesturing that the meal would be ready soon.

Having spoken those words, his gaze lingered upon me for a moment, as if beholding something, his ears flushed with a tinge of crimson, before abruptly diverting his face. Intrigued by his line of sight, I glanced downwards, only to realize that I had forgone a bra, causing my nipples to become subtly erect.

With his back turned to me, Lynn remarked, "The maid came over this morning." It seemed as though he was merely relaying the information, as no further conversation ensued thereafter.

I responded with a soft "mm" and didn't inquire further. However, as I observed the open recipe in front of Lynn, I sensed that the maid's visit held more significance than a mere task.

Waking up late in the morning, I had intentionally messaged the maid the previous day, asking her to come over and prepare a meal for Lynn, while also teaching him how to navigate the household chores. Now, it appeared that the auntie had taken her role to heart and shared her expertise in great detail.

To my surprise, Lynn showcased remarkable culinary skills. I usually relied on food delivery services, and it had been a while since I savored a home-cooked meal, aside from the occasional cooking by the maid. Lynn's talents in the kitchen far surpassed my expectations.

Although my appetite wasn't large, I had discerning taste buds. If a dish didn't meet my preferences, I would sample it briefly and abstain from further indulgence.

This information had been imparted to Lynn by the maid. I hadn't disclosed to her that Lynn was my younger brother, so she seemed to have mistaken Lynn for a paramour I had taken under my wing.

In her enthusiasm, she shared all of my culinary preferences with him. Lynn, on the other hand, saw nothing amiss and had embraced these responsibilities with open arms. He had quickly become proficient in household tasks, including laundry, cooking, and cleaning. He had even gone the extra mile to brew me a cup of hand-ground coffee.

Now, he sat across from me, enjoying his meal, discreetly observing the movements of my chopsticks. Thankfully, I had sampled each dish—three vegetables and a soup—ensuring his efforts were not in vain. In the end, I even had a small bowl of the delectable mushroom and seafood soup.

Noticing his unwavering gaze, I gently placed my bowl down and inquired curiously, "What's on your mind?"

As Lynn realized he had been caught, his long eyelashes lowered, avoiding direct eye contact. He shook his head and whispered softly, "It's nothing."

Listening to his tone, I couldn't help but sense a tinge of contentment within him.

Lynn chewed his food, cheeks slightly puffed as if he were a hamster with a mouthful of nuts. He remained silent, lowering his head and sticking to his thrifty nature, devouring the remaining food in large, hearty bites.

With only a few days left before the start of the school year, that afternoon at home, I finished my work, glanced at the lackluster sunlight outside, and closed my laptop. Suddenly, I turned my head and called out to Lynn, who was seated by the floor-to-ceiling window.

"Lynn, do you have any plans this afternoon? If not, let's go to the school."

I had already made arrangements for Lynn's enrollment in the school, but he was unaware of it. He looked up at me, slightly surprised. Lynn had to drop out of school to take care of his ailing grandfather, and during the time I brought him home, he had been preoccupied with reviewing the knowledge he had forgotten.

Every day, he sat under my watchful eye, diligently solving practice questions, but I never inquired about his progress, as if I were indifferent to it.

Lynn didn't know my plans, and as a guest in someone else's home, he considered himself fortunate to have food and shelter, without daring to ask for more.

Therefore, he hadn't brought up the topic of going back to school. After all, pursuing an education incurred additional expenses. In that moment, when I suddenly informed him about going to the school, Lynn stared at me with widened eyes, momentarily forgetting to put down the pen in his hand.

After a few seconds, he seemed to grasp my meaning. His dark eyes met mine, and he pressed his lips together, nodding emphatically with a resolute "mm" escaping his lips. Satisfied with his response, a faint twitch appeared at the corner of my eyebrow. I picked up my phone and dialed the contact number for the school representative.

I noticed the almost imperceptible upward curve at the corner of Lynn's mouth, and involuntarily, I pursed my lips, realizing that he could smile... Lynn didn't know the specifics of the school I had contacted, nor did he inquire about whether he would be a boarding student or a day student. For him, being able to attend school was enough, without yearning for anything more.

I possessed assets across various industries, acting as an investor rather than a hands-on manager. However, being a pack shareholder afforded me significant advantages.

Lynn was soon to enroll in the renowned "elite" private school known as Red Moon pack, where the students were predominantly alpha werewolves or exceptionally talented individuals who earned their place through merit. With my ownership of nearly 30% of the school's shares, I held a significant stake. When news of my visit reached the school, they presumed it was for an inspection, prompting the secretary, principal, and others to gather at the entrance, ready to welcome me.

Accustomed to such formalities, I emerged from the car garage and witnessed a bustling crowd below the academic building. Casting a quick glance at Lynn, I couldn't help but feel a tinge of concern. However, seeing his composed demeanor and lack of unease, I proceeded forward.

"Dr. Glu."

The leading principal approached with a welcoming smile, extending his hand for a handshake. Acknowledging his presence, I reciprocated with a brief handshake.

"Dr. Glu."

Dr. Glu retracted his hand, his gaze shifting to Lynn, who stood slightly behind me. Without hesitation, he began praising Lynn, not sparing any exaggeration. "And this must be your younger brother. Miss Marilyn, you possess remarkable talent at such a young age, and your brother exudes exceptional youth and grace. It's truly a rare combination!"

Dr. Glu, in his fifties and wearing glasses, projected an amiable and gentle demeanor, despite his visionary insights and capabilities.

While I had grown accustomed to such grand receptions, it was clear that Lynn was uncomfortable with the excessive flattery. However, he could discern that the compliment was not entirely directed at him.

With the exception of myself, Lynn was typically reserved and spoke sparingly in front of others. Thus, he politely greeted the principal with a simple "Good afternoon, Principal," and remained quiet thereafter.

He was a disciplined and well-mannered student, which was quite rare among the affluent alpha young men at the school.

"Ah, yes, good, good," Dr. Glu responded with a warm smile.

My purpose for visiting today was simply to introduce Lynn to his homeroom teacher, without the need for an overly formal or grandiose visit resembling an inspection. Upon learning this, the principal visibly relaxed, and a couple of wrinkles formed at the corners of his eyes. He dismissed the others, leaving just himself to guide Lynn and me towards the office of the high school grade supervisor.

Since it was still before the start of the school year, the students had not yet returned, and only the teachers were present for preparations and meetings. As a result, the school was tranquil and quiet.

Lynn silently observed the campus facilities, mentally adding a significant sum to the unknown "debt" he felt he owed.

We crossed the spacious and empty playground, making our way towards the academic building.

Suddenly, I inquired, "Dr. Glu, this is my first visit here. How did you know that Lynn is my brother? When I contacted the administration office earlier, I only mentioned arranging a transfer for a child without specifying who it was."

Dr. Glu appeared puzzled and exclaimed, "Oh! Didn't Lucas inform you? After you contacted the administration office, it was the following day when Lucas called me and informed me that it was your younger brother who needed the transfer. He entrusted me with taking good care of him."

I paused for a moment and replied calmly, "I see. I did mention it to him, but with the recent workload, I must have forgotten." Lynn, beside me, blinked his eyes lightly and glanced at my softly made-up face. His brow twitched briefly but soon he averted his gaze.

"You and Lucas have known each other for over a decade, haven't you? Your friendship is truly deep," Dr. Glu remarked in admiration. "He specifically asked me to convey a message to you, advising not to worry too much about the child's studies. At this age, boys have grown up and have their own ideas..."

Dr. Glu's words flowed incessantly, touching upon various topics.