Chapter 59-notification

Marilyn pov

Evening fell, and we found ourselves in the company's conference room. The long table was cluttered with documents and freshly signed contracts.

The clients had left only a few minutes ago. Lucas and I sat side by side, about half a meter apart, in a relaxed posture.

After half a month of intense work, the project had finally been finalized. Lucas leaned back in his chair with his eyes closed, clearly in need of some rest. He hadn't taken a break for several days, and his face bore a faint shade of fatigue-induced bluishness.

The passage of time had caught up with us; being twenty-eight wasn't the same as being eighteen.

Outside the door, Lucas's assistant knocked lightly and brought in two cups of light tea. She whispered, "Lucas, Marilyn, and Max have left in the car."

Lucas nodded slightly, and the assistant quietly left, closing the door behind her.