chapter66-like an animal

Marilyn pov

But Lynn simply did not respond, as if he did not hear, he grabbed my hand back and clasped it on the bed, as if he had changed into a different person, leaned down and swung his crotch wide open, I do not know where the top, I was shaken by Lynn's top, and I lost my voice suddenly in my throat.

The belly slapped heavily on the soft flesh of the buttocks, shaking a wave of flesh, I felt the hand on my waist loosen and turn to caress the buttock flap, rubbing it heavily.

Five fingers snapped up and moved away, leaving a deep red mark like a branding iron, as if I had vigorously shaken a slap on it.

The tips of his buttocks were red, but his back was still as white as the snow, his spine shallowly concave, streaming from the base of his neck to his tailbone.

Lynn's eyes were hot with the sight, the knot in his neck rolling and his veins showing, and he buried his head, his tongue resting against my tailbone, licking round in erotic swirls.