
Cecilia's POV

This time, it was truth or dare. 

"[Tell us about your first kiss, including when and how long it lasted]," someone immediately suggested from the side. 

Someone chimed in, "Or if you can't say that, tell us about the person you shared your first kiss with." Another person followed, "Was it at school?"

"Is there anyone here who hasn't had their first kiss yet?" The topic was gaining momentum, and everyone seemed more interested in prying into each other's personal lives than in the game itself. Finally, someone bluntly asked, "Karl, you haven't kissed me yet, have you?"

"Who made the first move, me or Karl?"

"Hey, which one of us was chasing the other?"

"How did you even meet Karl? We didn't even have any interactions."

Karl, Karl, Karl, Karl. These people bombarded me with snide remarks and questions, one after another, without a break.