
Cecilia pov

I feel the dampness on my neck. 

I can feel the weight of Karl pressing against my body, and I sigh with my eyes closed. It's as if this kind of state should be mine. 

So, I reach out and try to push him, saying, "Karl, you're heavy." 

He doesn't move. 

I pout and say, "Don't wipe your snot on me." 

Karl slightly bows his neck, burying his face deeper, and stays quiet for a few seconds. 

Then, he rubs against my shoulder with force. Just as I was about to push him away, he sits up, turns his back, slumps his shoulders, and silently pulls on his condom.

I touch my neck, it's wet. 

I unroll my shirt and glance at Karl for a moment before getting off the bed. 

My hand is grabbed. 

"Where are you going?" His nasal voice is obvious. 

I turn my head to look at his face, but it's in shadow and hard to see clearly. 

I break free from his grasp and say, "I'm going to wash up."