chapter129-slap me

Karl pov

I lightly tapped my fingertips on the box. 

This is the right way to do it. This hits the mark. 

I flipped to the bottom and took out two things, then closed the box and pushed it with force, starting to unpack the white silk box. 

"What did you leave behind?" 

Cecilia leaned over to look. 

I have already taken out the items and placed them in front of her, "Should I help you put them on?"

 Cecilia: ? 

What items?

 How did it come to the point of putting them on? She picked it up and looked at it. It was two very thin white silk stockings, possibly only reaching the thighs.

There were two fluffy tufts of down on the leg loop, and the top was connected to a peculiar leather leg ring. 

It looked like the most normal item in the box. It even looks quite nice. As she was still studying it, I had already lifted her up and both of us sat on the sofa.