Chapter 3: Something in The Air


Grayson, my Beta and most trusted companion and I were heading to central Washington toward my soon-to-be-reclaimed territory. We were accompanied by Noah, a wolf from our allied pack, and had been making good time when my heightened senses picked up on something, or someone.

With my curiosity piqued, I paused and looked out across the hillside trying to spot whatever it was.

My gaze came to a lake that sat below us when my nose picked up her scent again. I could smell her long before my eyes had actually spotted her.

The human girl sat beside a dog, looking over the lake. She smelled almost familiar, sweet, like the wildflowers from the fields of my youth.

Grayson nudged my arm and followed my gaze just as Noah spotted her too.

"Hey, check her out," Noah said, with a wicked grin on his face. "That is one tasty looking human. She looks downright f*ckable.. What do you think, boys? Shall we have a go with her?”

I frowned at Noah's comment, feeling a pang of irritation as Grayson nodded and laughed in agreement. Though in truth, I really shouldn’t have been surprised. Grayson had always been the more impulsive and reckless of us two, often more guided by his wolf than his brain.

"Would you two get your heads out of the gutter and back in the game? We’re almost there," I chided them, my voice almost a growl.

"Oh, come on Grayson! Everyone needs a good f*ck now and then. Don't tell me you're saving yourself for your true mate?" Noah complained.

“No,” I said curtly, through a clenched jaw.

Why had I let him join us? So far, the only purpose that he’d served was that of an absolute nuisance.

“That’s good,” Grayson muttered. “You know how rare true mate connections are, especially now that there are so few of us.”

I rolled my eyes impatiently and turned to face them.

“I’m not looking for a mate or a f*ck for that matter.. Especially with a human. I just refuse to be distracted by all of the petty things that you two clearly insist on wasting your time with..”

“Hey, suit yourself!” Noah exclaimed.. “But we are just wolves after all. And as wolves, I think we deserve to enjoy life's pleasures, don't we?"

“H*ll yes we do!” Grayson agreed with a chuckle.

“And that girl, she looks like she’s just begging to provide me with a little bit of life's pleasures,” Noah continued with a mischievous glint in his eyes.

“Okay, that’s enough!” I snapped.

“Alright, alright! There’s no need to get all pissy! I didn’t realize you were such a square NorthStar…” Noah teased, laughing at the rise that he’d gotten out of me.

“I don’t give a f*ck what you call me.” I said, throwing a glare in Noah's direction. “As Alpha, it's my responsibility to lead with integrity, and not show weakness. And giving in to what you two consider ‘pleasures,’ or any other indulgent, primal desires is a sign of weakness. And you should understand that as my second in command,” I said, turning and looking Grayson in the eyes.

“Understood,” Grayson nodded, taking a step backward with his eyes low.

“Yeah, well you’re not an Alpha yet,” whispered Noah under his breath.

“What the h*ll did you just say?” Grayson growled, turning to face Noah, his lighthearted mood shifting into loyal anger in an instant. “Those sound like fighting words.”

“Hey, take it easy…” Noah coaxed, holding his hands upright. “I was only stating the facts… I didn’t mean anything by it,”

“It’s alright. Leave it alone Grayson,” I said, placing my hand on Grayson's shoulder.

As impulsive as he was, I couldn’t ask for a more loyal Beta.

“Come on. Let’s keep moving,” I urged in an effort to pull the two of them away from their pissing contest.

As we shifted back into wolf form to make better speed, I felt my eyes drift back toward the girl's figure in the distance. She was standing now and began to walk, calling after her dog to follow.

Her scent seemed to compel me despite my resolve, drawing me in with an almost magnetic pull.

Now fully in wolf form, I shook myself from such a ridiculous stupor, and began to run.

The sooner that girl was behind us, the better it was for all involved, especially her.

After that incident, my distrust was beginning to grow for Noah. I hoped that I was wrong, but my instincts rarely were.

Once the council meeting with his Alpha was finished that evening, I’d diplomatically invite him to leave my territory and never come back.

Or maybe not so diplomatically. I didn’t need spineless wolves like him hanging around my pack and stirring up trouble.



That evening, I parked the van at a camping spot just a few miles up a dirt road and after looking at my own filthy reflection in the rearview mirror, decided to take a makeshift shower in the wilderness.

All of my senses came to life as I bathed in the twilight. The Waxing Gibbous moon hung high above me in the evening sky, casting an ethereal glow on my skin. I smiled, feeling perfectly at peace here, although perhaps a bit lonely.

“Today was a good day. Thank you,” I whispered to the moon.

I dried myself off with a towel and slipped into some clean clothes, then with a yawn of tired contentment, I crawled into the van's small bed.

Duke, my loyal companion curled up beside me as the crisp mountain air filled my lungs and the quiet star-filled sky lulled me into a peaceful slumber.

In my deep sleep, I found myself in a similar dream as the night before. I sat staring at the moon as it hung above the worn sign on the side of the road that read “The Enchantments.” But this time, Gran was no longer beside me in the van. Realizing that I was all alone, I was suddenly overcome by feelings of utter loneliness and despair.

I began to weep uncontrollably.

When, out of the night, a large black wolf with mesmerizing blue eyes appeared. It sat beside the sign as its gaze met my own, and somehow, I no longer felt so alone.

I dried my tears as the wolf raised its stately head and howled up at the moon.

My dreamy slumber was abruptly interrupted by the sound of snarls and growls echoing through the trees.

My weary eyes flew open, and my heart raced in my chest. I listened intently, trying to discern the source of the commotion and realized that Duke was already on high alert.

"What's going on, Duke?" I asked as he growled into the darkness of the night.

The violent animal noises were so loud that I was certain they were close to where we were parked. Trying to reassure myself I said aloud, “Are those dogs, they sound like dogs?”

Then it struck me. It was the unmistakable sound of wolves howling.

“So there are wolves here!” I exclaimed, half pleased, half utterly terrified by their obvious proximity to the van. I slipped out of the bed and crawled towards the lock on the vans door, ensuring that it was in place. Then I laughed at myself. “Like wolves could open a door?” I scoffed.

“Well, so much for a good night's sleep,” I continued, pulling Duke close to me as all of the snarling and chaos outside only seemed to intensify. Sensing my unease, Duke pressed his nose against my hand to offer comfort.

I lay there listening for what felt like a long time, both terrified and mesmerized by all of it, until suddenly a gunshot rang out, followed shortly by the sound of another gun shot.

A sharp yelp pierced through the night making my breath catch in my throat. Had the rangers discovered them and shot into the night to make the fighting end?

Whatever had happened, one of the wolves was either badly injured or killed by the sound of the devastating yelp that was still ringing in my ears. I lay there feeling heartbroken and sympathetic for the creature but too afraid to do anything knowing someone out there was wielding a gun! I was grateful that I had thought to lock the doors. Hopefully it was just a ranger trying to keep the peace.

There wasn't any more snarling after that, just a haunting silence.

I was grateful for the quiet, though I knew I wouldn’t sleep. My adrenaline was positively coursing through my veins. Also, I really, really, needed to pee. But there was no way in hell I was getting out of the van after what I had just heard…