Chapter 37: Support on All Sides

“That would be wonderful! Yes, we can meet just before sunset if that works for you,” Eileen states as she frantically writes down notes on a slip of paper. She’s been on the phone pretty much nonstop since we left the club.

We managed to gather a few supplies and have set up camp in a field far from town. Eileen paces back and forth, gathering support from a bunch of her contacts and referrals from others. Sounds like a lot of vampires are over the council, so our chances of having a solid team together are pretty high.

That said, I’m still not really sure waging a war against such a powerful group is a good idea. It just sort of feels like we’re asking for trouble instead of saving ourselves from it. Maybe all these near-death experiences are starting to get to my head. Or maybe I'm finally having a rational, self-preserving thought.