Chapter 9: A Risky Proposition

Lilia POV

“There’s only one thing to do,” Dane said, handing the cup back to her. “If we both want answers, that is. And we do want answers to so many questions.” He counted off on his fingers. “Why are we fated mates?”

Lilia smiled wryly and put the cup on the table. “That’s at the top of my list, even beyond finding the thief.”

He raised another finger. “Thank you. I knew I could count on you to keep track. Second question: Finding the thief. Third question: Is the thief an Evenhide Pack shifter?”

She held up her hands. “You’ve made it abundantly clear that’s something I shouldn’t even question. And based on who you are, I have a hard time believing anyone would dare. They would be too scared.”

He puffed out his chest and smoothed his hair back. “That’s the nicest thing you’ve said to me. Other than admitting you enjoyed my kisses.” He grinned at her mischievously.

She stayed focused despite his flirting. She still wondered if someone in the Evenhide Pack would commit a crime on Dane’s watch. And he had four brothers. If they were even a little like him, they would make anyone who dishonored the pack sorry they were ever born. She was more than sure of that.

“So, you like being feared and desired?”

He growled. “Are you always this provocative?”

“No. And look who’s talking.”

He rubbed his chin. “I don’t like the idea of an Evenhide Pack shifter being the thief, but I have to rule it out anyway.”

Her eyes popped. “Why?”

“Honor,” he said, simply. “Pack honor demands it. And my own personal honor as Alpha.”

A wave of anger flooded her, and she clenched her fists in her lap.

His eyes darkened with that same anger. “I can assure you, if anyone in the pack is stupid enough to risk our safety and dishonor us over a bunch of crystals, our justice is swift and harsh.”

She’d thought as much. “What will you do? How will you investigate?”

“That’s not important right now.” He swung his legs over the side of the bed and yanked fabric out of the way. He rose, but his legs got tangled and he muttered a curse word.

Lilia bit her lip to keep from laughing. He was cute when he was struggling.

He shot her an exasperated glare. “We don’t wear things like this where I’m from. I find it hard to believe that witches do.”

“It’s very freeing!”

“How can you say that? NOTHING about this wad of fabric is freeing in any sense of the word. The best I can say about it is that it makes you look like you’re floating, but then, you barely touch the ground when you walk.”

Lilia hurried to help him get untangled. “What do you wear?”

He smirked. “Again, not important right now.”

“Part your legs a little for me.”

He did so, and she unwound the fabric. She’d never seen a man get so entangled. She and Ravyn thought that the robe would be more comfortable for him while he recuperated, that pajamas would be too constricting. It made her wonder what he wore in the pack lands … especially since he’d been naked when he shifted.

As she thought this, her hands brushed over his groin and felt a distinctive–and very large–bulge.

OH. She felt a blush rush to her cheeks despite herself.

She’d bathed him naked, and maybe even noticed certain parts of his anatomy in passing, but hadn’t paid too much attention to them. But now…

Moon Goddess, he was warm. So warm.

She felt his growl of arousal in her bones.

She blurted, “You don’t wear any clothing at home, do you? According to what I read.” Her face grew as hot as a stove.

He stepped back and made the folds fall the way they were supposed to. He also removed himself from any further accidental exploration. “Not always. You can see why–you saw me shift, you see how I am in this … thing. But it's better than trousers and breeches. As I was saying, there’s only one thing to do. We need to talk to your mother.”

“About the mate bond?”

He stiffened. “No. Not until we talk to the pack’s wise woman, Tulaska.”

Her stomach churned. She hated the idea of keeping something so important from her mother, but she didn’t have all the facts. She needed to know more. Ravyn would demand to know everything and wouldn’t be satisfied with, “I don’t know.”

She faced Dane with honesty. “As you say, I didn't tell her about what happened between us before, or about our bargain. I don’t know everything. It wouldn’t be fair to worry her until I do.”

He placed his hands on her shoulders. “You’re a good daughter, Lilia. I regret that you have to leave her to travel to the pack lands with me, but …”

She lowered her gaze, thinking he was nothing like that wizard that didn't understand. “How long will we be away?”

“As long as it takes to do everything we need to do. I assume you don’t have any pressing business deals.”

“Nothing that Mother can’t handle. I’m more worried about break-ins.”

Dane rubbed his chin. “That is a risk, at least from the thieves. If you’re not here, your unwanted admirer probably won’t bother your mother.”

Lilia shuddered. “I hope not. All I want is for her to be all right. If I leave, she’ll be alone. I’m all she has except for Anneliese.”

He lowered his voice. “Your friend’s matchmaking tendencies might work in our favor.”

Lilia felt the hair on the back of her neck stand up and her skin prickle.

“What is it?” he asked.

“I’m not sure … I sense something troubling.”

She headed for the door, and as she did so, heard her mother’s and Anneliese’s voices, loud and agitated, coming from the parlor. Something was wrong. She knew it.

She broke into a run and tore open the door, with Dane right on her heels.