Chapter 9: The Things Money Can't Buy

*Nigel’s POV*

She turned and smiled at me. "Let's see how the rest of the night goes, shall we?"

"Deal,” I smirked.

I tried to hide my laughter as I stared at the sand covering the right side of her face, but it burst out, unexpectedly.

"What's so funny?" she asked, a grin playing on her lips.

"You do look like a sand monster," I replied with a chuckle.

"Shut up,” she laughed and nudged my arm.

"Can I get some clothes to shower and rid myself of this monster costume?”

I took a good look at her. Sophie's yellow sun dress was soaked in sand and rain but she was beautiful, even with messed up hair and clothes.

I walked toward my closet and grabbed a red Miami Heat t-shirt and black jogging pants.

I shrugged and handed Sophie the clothes. "I often go running after reviewing all the reports here in the office, and all I have that's comfortable is this. I'm sorry.”

She grabbed the clothes from my hand. "This should do. No worries."