Chapter 22: Breaking News

*Nigel’s POV*

I stared at the breakfast menu, thinking about last night. I did it. I pushed past my beliefs about relationships falling apart when labels are attached to them and committed to Sophie. We planned on keeping our relationship a secret, but I hoped last night's surprise reassured her of how committed I was to her.

Her smile could light up the whole room. Her laughter could make even my most challenging days feel lighter. Her smell was intoxicating, and her body was banging. She had cast a spell on me, and I found myself doing things I have never done for any other woman I'd dated.

"Hey Nigel, sorry I'm late. Traffic was brutal this morning."

Steve, my accountant, sat down across from me. We meet for brunch at the end of each month to discuss my business finances.

"You're looking bright and chipper this morning,” he noted. Steve grabbed his menu and skimmed through the choices as if he didn't order the same thing every month.