Chapter 33: At Peace

*Sophie’s POV*

The water brushed across my feet. The last time I was in the ocean, I made love to Nigel. So, I decided to come alone today to make new memories and reflect.

What was last night with Jarred about? Why did I even agree to meet him? Would I have had dinner with him if Nigel hadn't hurt me? How did I get here? I went from being the best at my job to having no job, and it's all because of a man.

Maybe my mom was right about not getting your hopes up too high, and perhaps the disappointments in her life were why she was such a negative Nancy.

I returned to the shore's edge and sat on my pink Hello Kitty towel. I didn't understand all the events in my life, but I knew I needed to do some soul-searching.

I grabbed a peanut butter and jelly sandwich from my cooler, and it made me think of my brother.

I really needed to check in on him and his progress.