The Revenge is Calling Part II

"Excuse me, Ma’am, how can I help you?" The nurse asked politely. The woman was still lying motionless, so Nurse Ae stepped towards the patient's bed at a slack pace. The sound of her high heels hitting the floor of the room rang knock... knock... knock…, creeping her out.

“Ma’am, is there anything I can help you with?” answer.


“No!” The patient suddenly shouted, so Nurse Ae was taken aback. The nurse walked backward in shock.

“Alright, I won't bother you then.” After that was said, the nurse burst out of the room. She internally cursed the patient that there was no need to raise her voice if she didn’t need any assistance. Why did the patient play with the bell? It was a sin to interrupt the nurse's nap in the middle of the night!

Being back at the front counter, the fear of the ghost was replaced by the frustration of being yelled at by the patient. So, the young nurse alleviated her boredom by reading a new Korean novel borrowed from a friend to kill time. Her gaze also periodically glanced at the entrance to the ward as she was also waiting for Nurse Nam who would be on the same shift.

All of a sudden, the bell rang again. She took her eyes off the book and directed her gaze to the source of the doorbell. It was ringing from room 505 again!

What on earth? Did the patient want to play a mind game with the nurse? Being a VIP didn’t mean the nurse was obligated to please her. This time, she would scold the patient’s ears off. Why in the world did she have to play with the bell? Couldn’t she read that it was to use when there was an emergency? Idiot!

The girl slammed the novel on the table and took a deep breath to calm herself down. Before she could take a step out, her cell phone rang. She turned to grab the phone and looked at the caller’s name. Seeing that it was Nurse Nam, she quickly answered the call.

“Ae, I'm in a taxi now. It's almost there. Wait a minute." The end of the line stuttered before Nurse Ae had a chance to speak.

“Okay…hurry up. The patient in room 505 is playing a mind game with me. Why on earth did she press the emergency button but shout it was nothing when I went in?

Now she was pressing the button again. If there's nothing else this time, I'll scold the heck out of her.” Nurse Ae fired with utter frustration.

"What! What have you just said?"

“I don't have time to repeat myself, Nam.”

“Hey...Ae, there is no patient in room 505. How come there would be someone pressing the emergency button?”

“It's not funny. I saw a pregnant woman sleeping in the room. How could you say there's no one?" Nurse Ae argued stubbornly. But the end of the line still confirmed with a firm voice.

“I was the one who filled the patient list on the ward myself this afternoon. Why didn't I know? If you don't believe me, you can just open the patient's directory to see.” Nurse Nam challenged her friend, who had never compromised with anyone. Nurse Nam might be raving and remembering wrongly. She could see there was actually a patient in room 505. Wasting no time...Nurse Ae opened up a list of patients. Seeing that room 505 didn't have a patient listed, her heart dropped. Her eyes glanced at the door of that room. Her trembling hand could barely hold the phone.

Sh*t... if there was no one in there, who was sleeping on the bed?!

"Hello... Ae, are you still here? Hello?" the end of the line asked. However, Nurse Ae had already lost her mind. Her eyes widened as she saw the door of room 505 slowly open. The sound of hinges creaked and shook her to the core. The young nurse stood still as if she was under a spell. The hand holding the phone was so weak that it dropped the phone to the ground. Seeing the figure of a pregnant woman strolling out of the room, the nurse’s mouth wished to scream for help, but it couldn't. At this time, she could only stare at the sight of that nameless woman heading toward her at a slow pace. The ghost’s black hair that covered her face was drenched in blood. Every time she walked; her blood-stained footsteps left a long trail behind.

Then the figure of the pregnant ghost who stood with her head down reached the counter where Nurse Ae stood frozen. The ghost girl slowly looked up. Its blood-red eyes filled with vengeance caused Nurse Ae to widen her eyes.

She remembered... She remembered who this ghost girl was.

"That’s nice you can remember me because it's time for you to pay for what you've done to me!" It was like a ghost could read Nurse Ae's mind. Her laughter echoed throughout the ward as if she had been waiting for this moment for a long time. Time to take revenge for herself and her child!

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

A green-yellow taxi pulled over in front of the obstetrics and gynecological building. Nurse Nam hurriedly paid for the cab and headed straight into the building. She had been having a bad feeling since Ae abruptly ended the call. Although Nurse Nam tried to reach her again, Nurse Ae didn't answer. Or it might be the case that Nurse Ae left to fight her head off with that patient.

The nurse strode straight to the front of the elevator, pressing the door open and stepping in. As soon as the elevator door opened in front of the OB/GYN ward, Nurse Nam immediately knew something was wrong because the television sound at the counter in the front was blaring with no one around. She whisked in to turn it off and swept her eyes for her colleague. However, Nurse Ae was nowhere to be found.

Nurse Ae’s bag, mobile phone, and shoes were placed in front of the counter, but where did she go?

“Ae, I'm here, where are you?” The nurse called softly for fear of disturbing the patients.

There was no response from her colleague but only a soft creaking sound of room 505’s door that was ajar at the end of the corridor. The nurse was slightly stunned and found her heart pounding for no reason.

She ambled to room 505, taking a deep breath to reassure herself. The nurse swung the door open and went into the room lit only by the warm light lamp on the head side table. Seeing someone's figure lying still on the bed. Nurse Nam was so astounded that she furrowed her brows... Was there a new patient here? Then what Ae said was true.

"I apologize I didn't know someone was staying in this room. Excuse me," said Nurse Nam politely. Before she could turn around to leave, she ceased her movement when a hoarse voice called her.

“Nam… help… me… please…."

“Ae… is that you?” Nurse Nam turned to look at the person on the bed and reached her hand out to turn on the light. As soon as the room was blasted by the light, the nurse was taken aback when she saw Nurse Ae lying on the bed covered by a blanket. Seeing her friend’s body was completely drenched in scarlet blood, she was flabbergasted. The blood-drenched and gushed all over the patient's bed. Nurse Nam hurriedly approached her friend and asked with a trembling mouth. “What happened… what did you do?”

“Help… me… please…." Nurse Ae gusted out before choking and vomiting her blood onto Nurse Nam’s body. Nurse Nam cried out in stupefaction. Standing stunned, she looked at her friend, who twitched two more times and then lay still before her eyes.

“What… what is this?” The nurse cried. Her heart and mind were shattered. Stepping bit by bit to the end of her friend's bed, she made up her mind and yanked open the blood-soaked blanket.

The nurse's eyes widened. Her knees fell to the floor, screaming like a madman.


How could she not be shocked when she found herself in front of Nurse Ae's body, only the upper half of her body was left? It seemed like her stomach was cut by the sharpest knife to the point that her spine was severed. The intestines that were dragged out of bed were hung along the exit to the front porch. The lower half was placed in a sitting position on the balcony railing. What a horrendous sight to behold!

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