Unforgivable Mistake Part I

After delivering lunch to nurses who ordered food from the restaurant in front of the hospital, a motorcycle taxi named 'Joke’ just came back from the internal medicine ward. When the rider heard Doctor Golf calling him, he instantly greeted the doctor since they were truly familiar with one another. He had known Doctor Golf from the time he was a first-year medical student until his last year to become a full-fledged doctor today.

"Hey, Doctor Golf...is there anything I can do for you?" Joke greeted.

“Lucky me that I met you now. So, here’s the thing...I have to take these two tubes to the lab in building three. Do you know that building?” Doctor Golf asked the rider to be sure.

“Come on...Doctor Golf. This can be considered as an insult. I've been a rider in front of the hospital for ten years. Every nook and cranny in the hospital, I know them all, and this lab you talked about, I often deliver stuff there, easy peasy.”